Nutripure� uv liquid
tank sanitary conditioners |
Product Overview |
Sanitary Conditioners
have long been used
commercially by
manufacturers of food,
pharmaceuticals and
drinks to ventilate the
air space above the
liquid in storage tanks.
The purpose of this
equipment is to prevent
condensation, which has
a tendency to dilute the
sweetener and oils. When
diluted, the sweetener
has a strong tendency to
promote the growth of
bacteria and mold on the
liquid surface. The
Nutripure� Sanitary
Conditioner ensures that
bacteria-free air is
used to keep the inside
air temperature
consistent with the
temperature of the air
outside the tanks.
Nutripure� Sanitary
Conditioners force
bacteria-free air into
the air space above the
liquid in the storage
tank and the tank vent
an outlet for this air,
while at the same time
preventing contaminants
or debris from entering
the storage tank.

Safety Shield
Protective coating
applied to Ster-L-Ray
TM Lamps which
eliminates the dangers
associated with
fragments of broken
quartz and mercury
contamination. |
is a
registered trademark of the
Atlantic Ultraviolet
Corp. |